Pondering on my lack of time and resources, I let my mind wander back to last weekend-- where did it all go? Then, I remembered, a decent portion of it went to football. I surprise myself with how much I enjoy watching football- 1. its fun to watch ( in the right venue, which is not and never will be a bar with those uncomfortable seats..) 2. though I am having fun, I also have the right to wine and harass a little-- and share dumb, unrelated, uninformed comments and thoughts-- this portion is more fun when I am accompanied by another football novice who also has trouble keeping track of the ball...I mean really, how can you not laugh at a sport with a position called '" the tight end"-- Once JRT and I googled it to find out what the hell that player did-- and Google informed us-- "The Tight End goes both ways..." Talk about low hanging fruit...
I also like the festivity and emotional rollercoaster-ness that comes along with football watching- it can go from this (above) to this (below) so quickly!
Another perk is the yummy, naughty food that is inevitably ingested in the process of watching. This weekend, four hours in, and after a rousing Steelers' Victory, we ordered enough Chinese food to feed a small army, this was post massive amount of half time nachos...and then commenced to watch what ever the hell the next game was-- which AZN and I mostly tuned out for.
SOOOOOOOO gearing up for big Steelers/Jets excitement this weekend...good thing I am pumped!
FYI, just had to Google to make sure it wasn't spelled "Stealers" ha. Obviously not.