Monday, February 14, 2011


Despite the fact that almost every baking/cooking project I take on ends up in failure, I have decided to brave yet another. Inspired by the healthy and yummy recipes from 101 Cookbooks ( my sister LM, is a big fan, always whipping up something- she is also the queen of recipe alternation, visit her 'here') -- and CLP's creation this weekend (read about her exploits in the kitchen, here, only if you want to feel underaccomplished or inspired, as the case may be...). I have decided to make the very same Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip cookies in a skillet. I love anything that one makes in a skillet, so hears hoping!  Recipie 'here'.

Really, nothing good ever comes of these exploits, but it does not stop me from trying. Experiences range from the catastrophic, to just the disappointing.One particularly ill-fated attempt at deep frying resulted in the burning down of my kitchen. Actually. 7 fire exstinguishers, one freshman, one heaping pile of baking soda, one belated arrival of the fire department- add it all up and it equals we had to move out. Wish, admist literally fighting flames, I had taken some pics.  More recently, I tried to chocolate cover a variety of gummies, but somehow the addition of melted off gelatin made the melting chocolate harden like a freaking rock. Total disaster, it was like cement mixing.

Will report in when these babies are done. And hopefully produce, if nothing else, an equally yummy, put together looking picutre.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi Swanson came into my work last week to use the bathroom. To my coworker I was like "It is very nerdy that I recognize her from her cookbook/ website!" I love her recipes/ recommendations because they are usually really simple, straight forward, and use lots of whole food ingredients. Hope it came out!
